This is the original song of Silent Night, Holly Night as the fenomenal Christmas Song for all century.
The translation of this song can get in more language in the world.
1. English Translation
1. Holy night! peaceful night!
Through the darkness beams a light;
Yonder, where they sweet vigils keep
O'er the Babe, who, in silent sleep;
Rests in heavenly peace,
Rests in heavenly peace.
2. Silent night! holiest night!
Darkness flies and all is light!
Shepherds hear the angels sing
Alleluia! hail the King!
Jesus the Savior is here,
Jesus the Savior is here."
3. Silent night! peaceful night!1
Child of heaven! O how bright
Thou didst smile when Thou wast born;
Blessed was that happy morn,
Full of heavenly joy.
Full of heavenly joy.
4. Silent night! holiest night!
Guiding Star, O lend Thy light!
See the eastern wise men bring
Gifts and homage to our King!
Jesus the Saviour is here!
Jesus the Saviour is here!
5. Silent night! holiest night!
Wondrous Star, O lend Thy light!
With the angels let us sing
Alleluia to our King!
Jesus our Saviour is here!
Jesus our Saviour is here!
2. Croatian Language
Tiha no?, bla?ena no?
Sve ve? spi,
Samo bdi Josip blag i Marija s njim.
Milo Djetešce u jaslama tim
Spava u slatkome snu,
Spava u slatkome snu.
Tiha no?, bla?ena no?,
Bo?e moj smješak Tvoj,
Kako drag s ustašca je tih,
Mir nam donosiš sladak i tih,
Svi?e nam radosti dan,
Svi?e nam radosti dan.
3.Corsican Language
Capanna santa! Lu Paradisu
Capanna santa! Lu Paradisu
U cel‘ in terra all’impruvisu!
C’er‘ in ari’ un passa veni
di staffetti par da avvisu.
E la scala d’Israeli
unia terra e celi.
Chi cort‘ avisti a fatt‘ onori!
Du‘ animali e povari pastori!
Già tu cherch‘u me figliolu
l’umilità e lu bon cori
e vulist’a u to Natali
li pastor’e l’animali.
Li puvareddi, li to amici
un ti cumpiaciche cull‘ infelici:
Chi vol di quistu misteru
già u me cori lammi dici
par salvà I piccatori
ci vurrà u dulori.
In cor d’invernu, o pargulettu
nascisti, o puvarettu
pochi panni da fasciatti
senza foc’e senza tettu
or piignisti inda capanna
dorm‘ avali, fa la nanna!
U criatori è criatura
ed una stedda come figura
e cumparsi in Orienti
a infurmanni la natura
e i milizii dlu Signori
l’annunzian’a li pastori.
Ador‘ aspettu lu Signori
e tuttu pienu di bon cori
par salvà la criatura
già s’umilia u Criatori
ma figliolu, almenu
dormi placid‘ e sirenu.
4. Cornish Language
Nos hep son! Noswyth lan!
Nos hep son! Noswyth lan!
Pup a-dew, pup a-splan,
war un Vaghteth ha’y Flogh mar dek.
A, Flogh Byghan Sans, whar ha whek.
Cusk yn powesva Dew!
Cusk yn powesva Dew!
Nos hep son! Noswyth lan!
Bugeleth, yn sawthan,
golow Nef a-wel dhe splanna,
a-glew can Eleth, Alleluia!
Cryst dhe’n bys genys yu!
Cryst dhe’n bys genys yu!
Nos hep son! Noswyth lan!
Gwyr Vap Dew Nef a-van,
golowys a-dhyworth Dha fas,
warnan hel a-dhen wa Dha ras.
Ha ty genys, Jesu!
Ha ty genys, Jesu!
For the other languages: