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Linux 3.3, Beginning "Refer" Linux and Android

Linux and Android operating systems have the same lineage. In this case, Android is an application of the Linux kernel.
However, Android application is considered by many to have pretty much different than the main Linux (mainline).
Efforts to combine the Android code with Linux even though it was impossible. As a result, been a while both as "do not get along".
Android runs his own development as detached from the main Linux development, a familiar event called "forking" alias branching.
Presumably, the distance between Linux and Android are getting close. This is starting to be realized through the Linux 3.3 (figure 3.3 refers to the kernel version number).
Linus Torvalds has announced the release of Linux 3.3 on March 18, 2012 local time. In his announcement, Linus did not mention directly about this Android.
But in KernelNewbies.org, an explanation about the start merging code from Android to Linux so the first thing underlined.
"It's been a long time, the code of the Android project are not coupled back to Linux because of a disagreement between the developer of the project. Fortunately, after several years, differences began to be straightened out," said KernelNewbies.org.
Believed, this will contribute to the development of both operating systems are "brothers" it. Android developers, modder community Linux distribution is believed to be benefited.
One possibility that is open is: Linux distro like Ubuntu can open support for running Android applications in the package to be launched.

Raspberry Pi, Credit Card-Sized Computer

  Credit card-sized computer weighing only 45 grams of interest to many people are introduced to the market on Wednesday (29/02/2012).
This makes the supermini computer sales traffic web site that sells computer is very busy and eventually made ​​into a static site.
The computer, named Raspberry Pi, running the Linux operating system. The computer was developed for 6 years by a non-profit Raspberry Pi Foundation, which consists of volunteers and academics British technology.
To operate, users can connect to a computer to a monitor or TV, then connect with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
Raspberry Pi is currently intended for software and hardware enthusiasts, hobbyists, teachers, and who wrote that to be creative with this mini computer.
Quoted from the official website, Raspberry Pi in the future aimed at the education that will be used to enable the students to learn programming. Raspberry Pi for education will be launched later this year. Time will be used Raspberry Pi makers to address the problems and bugs.
Raspberry Pi comes in two versions, the Model A and Model B. Model A is sold at a price of 25 dollars and is powered by an ARM11 700MHz and 256MB RAM.
Model B is also equipped with the same specs, only available Ethernet port and two USB ports. Model B is priced 35 dollars.
Currently, the makers are concentrating on assembling Raspberry Pi Model B because the demand for this model very much. Thus, the demand for the Model A would be postponed until the end of 2012.
To get the latest information about Raspberry Pi, reportedly see through this Twitter account.

Telah Hadir Komputer Mini Seukuran Kartu Kredit

Komputer seukuran kartu kredit dengan berat hanya 45 gram yang menarik perhatian banyak orang ini mulai dipasarkan pada Rabu (29/2/2012).
Penjualan komputer supermini ini membuat lalu lintas situs web yang menjual komputer tersebut sangat sibuk dan akhirnya dibuat menjadi situs statis.
 Komputer yang diberi nama Raspberry Pi, berjalan dengan sistem operasi Linux. Komputer ini dikembangkan selama 6 tahun oleh lembaga non profit Raspberry Pi Foundation, yang terdiri dari relawan dan akademisi teknologi Inggris.
 Untuk mengoperasikannya, pengguna bisa menghubungkan komputer ke monitor ataupun ke televisi, lalu mengkoneksikan keyboard dan mouse dengan Bluetooth.
 Raspberry Pi saat ini ditujukan untuk penggemar software dan hardware, pehobi, guru dan siapa aja yang ingin berkreasi dengan komputer mini ini.
Dikutip dari situs resminya, Raspberry Pi ke depannya ditujukan untuk dunia pendidikan yang akan dimanfaatkan agar para siswa belajar pemrograman. Raspberry Pi untuk pendidikan bakal diluncurkan pada akhir tahun ini. Waktu tersebut akan dimanfaatkan pembuat Raspberry Pi untuk mengatasi masalah dan bug.
 Raspberry Pi hadir dalam dua versi, yakni Model A dan Model B. Model A dijual dengan harga 25 dollar AS dan diperkuat dengan prosesor ARM11 700MHz dan RAM 256MB.
 Model B juga dibekali spesifikasi yang sama, hanya saja tersedia port Ethernet dan 2 port USB. Model B ini dihargai 35 dollar AS.
 Saat ini, pembuat Raspberry Pi sedang berkonsentrasi merakit Model B karena permintaan untuk model ini sangat banyak. Sehingga, permintaan untuk Model A akan ditunda hingga akhir 2012.
 Untuk mendapat informasi terbaru seputar Raspberry Pi, simak kabarnya melalui akun Twitter ini.
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