1/23/11 - 1/30/11


Tulude ceremony is traditional ceremony held every January 31 (or before and after that date) to be grateful for the blessings of God for a year that has passed and through the new year.

Tulude ''Ritual'' is an annual celebration of the ancestral heritage of the people of Nusa Utara or North Island (Sangihe, Talaud and Sitaro archipelago) at the northern tip of North Sulawesi province. It has been centuries of sacred and religious ceremony was conducted by the Sangihe and Talaud ethnic communities that can not be eliminated  or forgotten by any generation. This tradition has been entrenched in the repertoire of customs, traditions and culture of  Nusa Utara (North Island). In fact, these cultural traditions are slowly and surely starting accepted not only as belonging to the Nusa Utara community, in this case Sangihe, Talaud and Sitaro, but it has been accepted as a cultural tradition of people of North Sulawesi and Indonesia in general. Because, where there are ethnic communities Sangihe-Talaud, definitely there will be a celebration Tulude.
Tulude in essence is a ceremony of thanksgiving to Mawu Ruata Ghenggona Langi (Almighty God) for His blessings to mankind for over a year ago. However, to find the practicality of implementation, many community groups organizing this event  not entirely as a form of ceremony, but implemented in the form of thanksgiving devotions, ranging from the neighborhood level, neighborhood, village, churches, organizations harmonious and other community groups. However, any form of implementation, the nature of Tulude itself remains the basis for implementation each year.
In the early days a few centuries ago, the implementation Tulude traditional ceremonies performed by their ancestors on every December 31, where this date is the end of the year will end, so it is fit to perform the ceremony Tulude. Understanding Tulude itself is a "reject" or "push" in this case refuse years old and ready to receive the new year. In the tradition of the ancestral pagan society and the Sangihe Talaud, starting this year's event is realized with a ceremony on the beach with refuse, pushing or releasing a small boat made of wood "latolang" (a type of wood that grows higher straight not branched) with a particular load. The boat is driven by traditional leaders, removed or washed away to sea as a symbol, everything bad in the years that will pass thrown or washed away to sea for no longer overwrite the local villagers in the new year. If the boat was taken out of sea currents and washed up on shore or a nearby village, the people who find it mandatory to back it away, refused and returned to the sea, because it is believed, if not washed away again, then all the havoc and pain-a disease that ever happened to the people from the boat, will move to a place where the boat was stranded.
When Christianity and Islam entered the region Sangihe and Talaud in the 19th century, traditional ceremonies Tulude has been filled with charges tradition of evangelism and disbelief are slowly eroded. In fact, the day of execution which is usually on December 31, by the customs agreement, be transferred to January 31 next year. This is done, because December 31 is the busiest time for Christians in the Sangihe and Talaud. Therefore, the previous week had been busy with the Christmas Eve worship events, and December 31, preoccupied with the end of worship and preparation for the new year. Due to the density and busyness this worship event and to maintain the solemn worship Ecclesiastical not interfere with traditional ceremonies Tulude, then diverted the implementation date be January 31. Even in 1995, by the provincial and district Governments-Talaud Sangihe archipelago, January 31, has been established by law as the anniversary Sangihe Talaud Tulude with the core event ceremony.
In a traditional ceremony tulude, there are a variety of custom content is made. First, do custom cake maker in the house of a Tamo traditional leaders last night before the day of the ceremony. Then, the preparations for troop escort, dancer Gunde dance, dance Salo, kakalumpang dance, dance of empat wayer, masamper singing groups, traditional leaders setting custom cookie cutters Tamo, the preparation of traditional leaders carrier Tatahulending Banua greeting, traditional leaders greeting prayer carrier safety, a prominent leader of the ceremony called Mayore Labo, and preparation of the presence of Tembonang u Banua (leader of the country according to level of government implementation of the ceremony as village heads, subdistrict heads, regents / mayors or governors) together Wawu Boki (wife of the leader of the country) and the distribution of invitations to all members of society to comes with a carrying food for the event Saliwangu Banua (party of the people eat together).
The timing of the ceremony is customary Tulude afternoon until late at night for approximately 4 hours. 4 hours is calculated starting from the event pick up a cake at home making custom Tamo then paraded around the village or around the city for the next ceremony is brought into the arena. Before the cake of Tamo below into the ceremonial arena, Tembonang u Banua (Village Chief, District Head, the Mayor / Regent or Governor shall already be in the main hall to pick up the arrival of this traditional cake. - (Semuel Muhaling)


Tulude ceremony is traditional ceremony held every January 31 (or before and after that date) to be grateful for the blessings of God for a year that has passed and through the new year.

Tulude ''Ritual'' is an annual celebration of the ancestral heritage of the people of Nusa Utara or North Island (Sangihe, Talaud and Sitaro archipelago) at the northern tip of North Sulawesi province. It has been centuries of sacred and religious ceremony was conducted by the Sangihe and Talaud ethnic communities that can not be eliminated  or forgotten by any generation. This tradition has been entrenched in the repertoire of customs, traditions and culture of  Nusa Utara (North Island). In fact, these cultural traditions are slowly and surely starting accepted not only as belonging to the Nusa Utara community, in this case Sangihe, Talaud and Sitaro, but it has been accepted as a cultural tradition of people of North Sulawesi and Indonesia in general. Because, where there are ethnic communities Sangihe-Talaud, definitely there will be a celebration Tulude.
Tulude in essence is a ceremony of thanksgiving to Mawu Ruata Ghenggona Langi (Almighty God) for His blessings to mankind for over a year ago. However, to find the practicality of implementation, many community groups organizing this event  not entirely as a form of ceremony, but implemented in the form of thanksgiving devotions, ranging from the neighborhood level, neighborhood, village, churches, organizations harmonious and other community groups. However, any form of implementation, the nature of Tulude itself remains the basis for implementation each year.
In the early days a few centuries ago, the implementation Tulude traditional ceremonies performed by their ancestors on every December 31, where this date is the end of the year will end, so it is fit to perform the ceremony Tulude. Understanding Tulude itself is a "reject" or "push" in this case refuse years old and ready to receive the new year. In the tradition of the ancestral pagan society and the Sangihe Talaud, starting this year's event is realized with a ceremony on the beach with refuse, pushing or releasing a small boat made of wood "latolang" (a type of wood that grows higher straight not branched) with a particular load. The boat is driven by traditional leaders, removed or washed away to sea as a symbol, everything bad in the years that will pass thrown or washed away to sea for no longer overwrite the local villagers in the new year. If the boat was taken out of sea currents and washed up on shore or a nearby village, the people who find it mandatory to back it away, refused and returned to the sea, because it is believed, if not washed away again, then all the havoc and pain-a disease that ever happened to the people from the boat, will move to a place where the boat was stranded.
When Christianity and Islam entered the region Sangihe and Talaud in the 19th century, traditional ceremonies Tulude has been filled with charges tradition of evangelism and disbelief are slowly eroded. In fact, the day of execution which is usually on December 31, by the customs agreement, be transferred to January 31 next year. This is done, because December 31 is the busiest time for Christians in the Sangihe and Talaud. Therefore, the previous week had been busy with the Christmas Eve worship events, and December 31, preoccupied with the end of worship and preparation for the new year. Due to the density and busyness this worship event and to maintain the solemn worship Ecclesiastical not interfere with traditional ceremonies Tulude, then diverted the implementation date be January 31. Even in 1995, by the provincial and district Governments-Talaud Sangihe archipelago, January 31, has been established by law as the anniversary Sangihe Talaud Tulude with the core event ceremony.
In a traditional ceremony tulude, there are a variety of custom content is made. First, do custom cake maker in the house of a Tamo traditional leaders last night before the day of the ceremony. Then, the preparations for troop escort, dancer Gunde dance, dance Salo, kakalumpang dance, dance of empat wayer, masamper singing groups, traditional leaders setting custom cookie cutters Tamo, the preparation of traditional leaders carrier Tatahulending Banua greeting, traditional leaders greeting prayer carrier safety, a prominent leader of the ceremony called Mayore Labo, and preparation of the presence of Tembonang u Banua (leader of the country according to level of government implementation of the ceremony as village heads, subdistrict heads, regents / mayors or governors) together Wawu Boki (wife of the leader of the country) and the distribution of invitations to all members of society to comes with a carrying food for the event Saliwangu Banua (party of the people eat together).
The timing of the ceremony is customary Tulude afternoon until late at night for approximately 4 hours. 4 hours is calculated starting from the event pick up a cake at home making custom Tamo then paraded around the village or around the city for the next ceremony is brought into the arena. Before the cake of Tamo below into the ceremonial arena, Tembonang u Banua (Village Chief, District Head, the Mayor / Regent or Governor shall already be in the main hall to pick up the arrival of this traditional cake. - (Semuel Muhaling)

Upacara Adat Tulude

Upacara adat ''Tulude'' merupakan hajatan tahunan warisan para leluhur masyarakat Nusa Utara (kepulauan Sangihe, Talaud dan Sitaro)di ujung utara propinsi Sulawesi Utara). Telah berabad-abad acara sakral dan religi ini dilakukan oleh masyarakat etnis Sangihe dan Talaud sehingga tak mungkin dihilangan atau dilupakan oleh generasi manapun. Tradisi ini telah terpatri dalam khasanah adat, tradisi dan budaya masyarakat Nusa Utara. Bahkan tradisi budaya ini secara perlahan dan pasti mulai diterima bukan saja sebagai milik masyarakat Nusa Utara, dalam hal ini Sangihe, Talaud dan Sitaro, tetapi telah diterima sebagai suatu tradisi budaya masyarakat Sulawesi Utara dan Indonesia pada umumnya. Sebab, di mana ada komunitas masyarakat etnis Sangihe-Talaud, pasti di sana akan ada hajatan Tulude.

Tulude pada hakekatnya adalah kegiatan upacara pengucapan syukur kepada Mawu Ruata Ghenggona Langi (Tuhan yang Mahakuasa) atas berkat-berkat-Nya kepada umat manusia selama setahun yang lalu. Namun, untuk mencari kepraktisan pelaksanaannya, banyak kelompok masyarakat menyelenggarakannya tidak sepenuhnya sebagai sebuah bentuk upacara, tetapi dilaksanakan dalam bentuk ibadah-ibadah syukur, mulai dari tingkat RT, lingkungan, kelurahan, jemaat-jemaat, organisasi rukun dan kelompok-kelompok masyarakat lainnya. Namun, apapun bentuk pelaksanaannya, hakikat dari Tulude itu sendiri tetap menjadi dasar bagi pelaksanaannya setiap tahun.

Pada masa awal beberapa abad lalu, pelaksanaan upacara adat Tulude dilaksanakan oleh para leluhur pada setiap tanggal 31 Desember, di mana tanggal ini merupakan penghujung dari tahun yang akan berakhir, sehingga sangat pas untuk melaksanakan upacara Tulude. Pengertian Tulude itu sendiri adalah “menolak” atau “mendorong” dalam hal ini menolak tahun yang lama dan siap menerima tahun yang baru. Dalam tradisi kafir leluhur masyarakat Sangihe dan Talaud, acara tolak tahun ini diwujudkan dengan upacara di tepi pantai dengan menolak, mendorong atau melepaskan sebuah perahu kecil yang terbuat dari kayu “latolang” (sejenis kayu yang tumbuh lurus tinggi tak bercabang) dengan muatan tertentu. Perahu ini oleh tokoh adat didorong, dilepas atau dihanyutkan ke laut sebagai simbol, segala sesuatu yang buruk di tahun yang akan lewat dibuang atau dihanyutkan ke laut agar tidak lagi menimpa warga desa setempat di tahun yang baru. Jika perahu tersebut dibawa arus laut dan terdampar di pantai atau desa tetangga, maka orang yang menemukannya wajib menolak dan menghanyutkannya kembali ke laut, karena dipercaya, kalau tidak dihanyutkan lagi, maka segala malapetaka dan sakit-penyakit yang pernah menimpa masyarakat asal perahu itu, akan berpindah ke tempat di mana perahu itu terdampar.

Ketika agama Kristen dan Islam masuk ke wilayah Sangihe dan Talaud pada abad ke-19, upacara adat Tulude ini telah diisi dengan muatan-muatan penginjilan dan tradisi kekafiran secara perlahan mulai terkikis. Bahkan, hari pelaksanaannya yang biasanya pada tanggal 31 Desember, oleh kesepakatan adat, dialihkan ke tanggal 31 Januari tahun berikutnya. Hal ini dilakukan, karena tanggal 31 Desember merupakan saat yang paling sibuk bagi umat Kristen di Sangihe dan Talaud. Sebab, seminggu sebelumnya telah disibukkan dengan acara ibadah malam Natal, lalu tanggal 31 Desember disibukkan dengan ibadah akhir tahun dan persiapan menyambut tahun baru. Akibat kepadatan dan keseibukan acara ibadah ini dan untuk menjaga kekhusukan ibadah gerejawi tidak terganggu dengan upacara adat Tulude, maka dialihkankan tanggal pelaksanaannya menjadi tanggal 31 Januari. Bahkan pada tahun 1995, oleh DPRD dan pemerintah kabupaten kepulauan Sangihe-Talaud, tanggal 31 Januari telah ditetapkan dengan Perda sebagai hari jadi Sangihe Talaud dengan inti acara upacara Tulude.

Dalam upacara adat tulude ini, ada berbagai konten adat yang dilakukan. Pertama, dilakukan pembuat kue adat Tamo di rumah seorang tokoh adat semalam sebelum hari pelaksanaan upacara. Kemudian, persiapan-persiapan pasukan pengiring, penari tari Gunde, tari salo, tari kakalumpang, tari empat wayer, kelompok nyanyi masamper, penetapan tokoh adat pemotong kue adat tamo, penyiapan tokoh adat pembawa ucapan Tatahulending Banua, tokoh adat pembawa ucapan doa keselamatan, seorang tokoh pemimpin upacara yang disebut Mayore Labo, dan penyiapan kehadiran Tembonang u Banua (pemimpin negeri sesuai tingkatan pemerintahan pelaksanaan upacara seperti kepala desa, camat, bupati/walikota atau gubernur) bersama Wawu Boki (isteri pemimpin negeri)serta penyebaran undangan kepada seluruh anggota masyarakat untuk hadir dengan membawa makanan untuk acara Saliwangu Banua (pesta rakyat makan bersama).

Waktu pelaksanaan upacara adat Tulude adalah sore hari hingga malam hari selama kurang-lebih 4 jam. Waktu 4 jam ini dihitung mulai dari acara penjemputan kue adat Tamo di rumah pembuatan lalu diarak keliling desa atau keliling kota untuk selanjutnya dibawa masuk ke arena upacara. Sebelum kue Tamo ini di bawah masuk ke arena upacara, Tembonang u Banua (Kepala Desa, Camat, Walikota/Bupati atau Gubernur wajib sudah berada di bangsal utama untuk menjemput kedatangan kue adat ini. -- (Semuel Muhaling)

Ceremony Procedures of Tulude of Community Sangihe and Talaud Etnic

Tulude ceremony is traditional ceremony held every January 31 (or before and after that date) to be grateful for the blessings of God for a year that has passed and through the new year.


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