The 6 Secrets Revealed From the Kitchen Sex
Starting from the "do not deal with people who are not your legal spouse" until "the pleasure of oral sex," our environment is filled with a variety of messages about sex, dating, love and marriage. By helping you, Judy asked for assistance to some experts to explain their discoveries about human sexual behavior. And, of these six facts sex kitchen finally revealed.
1. Men focus more on the face than a woman's body
Many women feel worried when stripped of clothing. They are worried if the husband is more concerned with the gelambir the thigh area. Some scientists then conducted research to track the direction of view of man to find out what they face when looking at pictures of naked women.
The result? Most of the time they spend staring at the woman's face, not a naked body. The men may not realize this, but that's a fact. The scientists concluded the cause: the face is more revealing than the body's arousal cue. Men want to know if a woman is quite satisfied with their own bodies while in action. This proved far more important than a fantastic body.
2. Size really does not matter
The men will be better able to breathe easily if they know that the size Mr.P no effect on performance when in action. The scientists found a group of men with different size Mr.P still have the same number of orgasms. So, let them know the truth ..
3. The smell of the body more important than appearance
No matter how attractive one's appearance, aroma body remains more important for the establishment of an intimacy. This is because the nose is sharp senses that a person can recognize genetic blueprint (MHC, major histocompatibility complex). When someone smelled delicious aroma, then that means its MHC fit with you, so make at home. Conversely, if not matching, then you will not like the smell. Never touch, perhaps you are reluctant to close it.
4. Birth control pills damage the sense of smell
The content of hormones in birth control pills mess up the ability of a woman in the couple kissing MHC so that also affects the action in bed.
5. The man ... was not 'as' it
Men tend to lie about the number of women who had their dating (or take related). If in fact only 2 women who had them kiss, then maybe they will double the number to 10. This is not because they want to stand out, they just can not remember every meeting there with the girls in the past.
6. Sex for many reasons
Scientists have developed a table containing 237 reasons why people have sex. Some obvious reasons for love, others because they want to burn calories. There is also that because they want to maintain the relationship, another with those who want to have religious reasons, that want to be closer to the Creator. Other ridiculous reasons such as boredom, stress, so I can sleep, and much more. What about you? What's your excuse? (