Silent Night! Holly Night in Brigidian

Nóçhé' Nóël, Nóçhé' cúna 

Nóçhé' Nóël, Nóçhé' cúna,
Gah íes án sa' la xana
Na íes Marí äte Swíe Loddy,
Bébé Nuäfóna, ham äte ódí,
Dòrméz, Crístús, dòrméz!
Dòrméz, Crístús, dòrméz!

Nóçhé' Nóël, Nóçhé' cúna,
Rí'ins Sôlí def Aíah,
Haíshner fröuçh Two bal nuäfóna
Fwothsòneth mwos salvins hóra;
Jäésús, a' Two Rúbins,
Jäésús, a' Two Rúbins.

Nóçhé' Nóël, Nóçhé' cúna,
Salvatem 'nggósèa
Fröuçh Cqíëlós-el óró haígnèh,
Shóveth gratzía-el lánèh;
Jäésús, yinmöu Húmanäé!
Jäésús, yinmöu Húmanäé!

Nóçhé' Nóël, Nóçhé' cúna,
Waléróhs vwons essèa
Ló Angelícque Halelúya
Haútèa íet éerigçhaba:
Ló Meshíach íes ní!
Ló Meshíach íes ní!

If this lirycs translated back to English like this:

Christmas night, Quiet night,
All is bright in the stable
There is Mary and Her Boy-child,
Holy Babe, little and lovely
Sleep Christ sleep
Sleep Christ sleep

Christmas night, Quiet night,
Laughing Son of God,
Love from Thy holy mouth
Sounds forth our saving hour
Jesus, at Thy Birth
Jesus, at Thy Birth

Christmas night, Quiet night,
Salvation brought
From Heaven's golden height
Shows grace's fullness
Jesus truly Human!
Jesus truly Human!

Christmas night, Quiet night,
Shepherds who heard
the Angelic Alleluia
Shouted it everywhere
The Messiah is here!
The Messiah is here!

Silent Night! Holly Night! in Breton Language

Nozvezh sioul, Nozvezh kaer

Nozvezh sioul, nozvezh kaer.
Trouz ebet dre an aer.
Aze 'barzh ul lochennig paour,
Ur bugelig kousket-flour,
Ur bugelig gwan,
Ur bugelig gwan.

Met a-bell, klevit-hu,
Kan a sav en noz du,
Kan an aelez en Neñvoù don
O na laouen ha kreñv e son !
Keloù mat d'an dud !
Keloù mat d'an dud !

Mabig koant, mabig gwenn,
Te, a gousk war ar foenn,
Mabig bihan ha tost en noazh,
Bennozh dit ha bennozh c'hoazh,
Salver bras ar bed !
Salver bras ar bed !

Silent Night! Holly Night! in Belarusian

Tsihaya noch, dziwnaya noch
Original translation done by: Natalla Arsiennieva (1903-1997)

Cichaja noč, dziŭnaja noč,
Dremle ŭsio, dyj nia śpić.
Pa-nad žołabam Panna stajić,
Na Dziciatka z uśmieškaj hladzić
Radaść u sercach haryć,
Radaść u sercach haryć.

Cichaja noč, dziŭnaja noč,
Hołas ź nieba zyšoŭ:
«Siońnia nam naradziŭsia Chrystos,
Ad hrachoŭ Jon zbaŭleńnie prynios.
Praŭda praročych słoŭ,
Praŭda praročych słoŭ.»

Cichaja noč, dziŭnaja noč,
Anioł vioŭ pastuškoŭ
Da chlavočka, tam, dzie Božy Syn
Mieŭ pałac ŭ čas Svajich naradzin
Horšy za biedakoŭ,
Horšy za biedakoŭ.

Silent Night! Holly Night in Bataknese Language (Indonesia)

Sonang ni Bornginna i 
Taken from Buku Ende HKBP, No. 54

Sonang ni bornginna i,
Uju ro Jesus i,
Sonang modom do halak sude,
Holan dua na dungo dope
Mangingani Anakna
Jesus, Tuhanta i.

Denggan ni bornginna i,
Uju ro Jesus i,
Tu parmahan di Betlehem i
Dipaboa na di surgo i
Nunga ro Sipangolu,
Jesus, Tuhanta i.

Godang ni tua disi,
Di na ro Jesus i,
Tung malua pardosa muse
Sian hamagoanna sude,
Ala ro Sipangolu,
Jesus Tuhanta i.

Silent Nigth! Holly Night in Basque

Gau ixilla, gau donea 

Gau ixilla, gau donea,
Zerutik jetxi da
guazen guztiyok ariñ ariñ.
Aingeru eta artzayakiñ,
gu gatik jayo dalako
Jesus Belenen.

Gau erdiyan abesturik
aingeruak zerutik:
Aintza zeruan Jainkoari
pakea lurrean gizona’ri,
gu gatik jayo dalako
Jesus Belenen.

Gau erdirik, ederna
artzayentzat onena,
aingeru taldea gaba argitzen,
gizonen artean berri ematen,
gu gatik jayo dalako
Jesus Belenen.

Artzayakin estalpera
guazen danok batera,
askatxoan dago etzana,
eru lurren Jaun da Jabe,
gu gatik jayo dalako
belengo zoriona.

Gau santua, gau donea!
Jainkoa jetxi da
zeru goi - goitik estalpera,
izaretatik seaskatxora,
lo dago Jesus Aurra,
lo dago Jesus Aurra.

Silent Night! Holly Night in Arabic

Silent Night 
Taken from Gospel Principles Translated into Arabic (1992)

ترنيمة عيد الليل *

عيد الليل زهر الليل
صوت العيد ضوا الليل
موجي يا سما بالعناقيد
هلي بالحلى بالمواعيد
زار الليل يسوع
لون الليل يسوع
رايحا تزور كوخ مسحور
دربها قمار تلج و زهور
و اللعب طايرة و يضحكوا ولاد
أرضنا ناطرة و السما عياد

Silent Nigth! Holly Night in Albanian Modern

Natë e shenjtë! Natë e qetë!

Natë e shenjtë! Natë e qetë!
Janë në gjumë njer'zit krejt
Vetëm Jozefi edhe Maria
Janë të zgjuar me të shenjtin fëmijë
Fli me paqen qiellore!
Fli me paqen qiellore!

Natë e shenjtë! Natë e qetë!
Ç'dashuri! Zoti vetë
Si një foshnjë na u zbulua
Plot hare për të na shpëtuar
Ja, Jezusi u lind
Ja, Jezusi u lind

Natë e shenjtë! Natë e qetë!
Ca barinj me të shpejtë
Lajmet e engjëjve i dëgjuan
Edhe në Bethlehem vrapuan
Shpëtimtari u lind!
Shpëtimtari u lind!

Shetja natë
(Albanian - Gheg dialect)

Shetja natë e lumja natë
krejt janë fjetë veç kanë mbetë
shën Jozefi dhe Zoja Mri
rahatojnë te bukrin Fmi:
Flej me t’ambël gjum,
flej me t’ambël gjum.

Shejtja natë e bukra natë
Krishti Fmi Zojës Mri
qe, në prehen sa mirë po rri,
ejtë këndojnë me brohori:
Erdh i lum Mesi,
Erdh i lum Mesi!

Shetja natë e lumja natë
me shpejti vin bari
me shique ket bukuri
me adorue njiket Fmi:
Krishtin plot dashni,
Krishtin plot dashni. Shejtja natë e bukra natë
o njerzim plot gëzim
heq mjerimin ti me shpejtim
kqyr ket Fmi, qi me ngushllim:
mbushi botën mbar,
mbushi botën mbar.

Liryc of Silent Night! Holly Night in Armenian

Lou gisher, sorb gisher,
erkir xor k'oun pater
miayn hske zoyga sirzsel
Siroun mankik, mankik varsagel
k'anacir xalalik
k'anacir xalalik

(for the true text please se the image.)

Silent Night! Holly Night in Africans

Stille Nag (1)

Taken from Psalms en Gesange: Gesang 96 (1978)

Stille nag, heilige nag
Jesus kind lank verwag
Lig uit lig uit die Vader se ryk
word uit liefde aan mense gelyk
Loof die hemelse Kind !
Loof die hemelse Kind !

Stille nag, heilige nag
Hemelvors, ons gee ag
op die lied van die engelekoor
Herders het dit die eerste gehoor
Juig, die Redder is daar !
Juig, die Redder is daar !

Stille nag, heilige nag !
Jesus, Heer, voor u mag,
voor u ryk moet die duisternis swig;
tot in ewigheid bly U die lig -
Heer, gebore vir ons !
Heer, gebore vir ons !

Stille Nag (2)

Taken from: Halleluja - Lied 36 / Lied 526

Stille nag, heilige nag,
Alles rus, eensaam wag
Slegs Maria, geseënde vrou
By haar Kindjie, met Josef so trou
Soete Hemelse rus!
Soete Hemelse rus!

Stille nag, heilige nag,
oor die veld, lief en sag,
klink die lied van die engelekoor.
eers deur herders, dan verder gehoor
Juig, die Redder is daar!
Juig, die Redder is daar!

Stille nag, heilige nag,
Jesus-kind, vriend'lik lag
liefde teer uit u godd'like mond;
tans daag heerlik die vrywordingstond
Heer, gebore vir ons!
Heer, gebore vir ons!

This is the original song of Silent Night, Holly Night as the fenomenal Christmas Song for all century.

The translation of this song can get in more language in the world.

1. English Translation

1. Holy night! peaceful night!
Through the darkness beams a light;
Yonder, where they sweet vigils keep
O'er the Babe, who, in silent sleep;
Rests in heavenly peace,
Rests in heavenly peace.

2. Silent night! holiest night!
Darkness flies and all is light!
Shepherds hear the angels sing
Alleluia! hail the King!
Jesus the Savior is here,
Jesus the Savior is here."

3. Silent night! peaceful night!1
Child of heaven! O how bright
Thou didst smile when Thou wast born;
Blessed was that happy morn,
Full of heavenly joy.
Full of heavenly joy.

4. Silent night! holiest night!
Guiding Star, O lend Thy light!
See the eastern wise men bring
Gifts and homage to our King!
Jesus the Saviour is here!
Jesus the Saviour is here!

5. Silent night! holiest night!
Wondrous Star, O lend Thy light!
With the angels let us sing
Alleluia to our King!
Jesus our Saviour is here!
Jesus our Saviour is here!

Source: www.hymnsandcarolsofchristmas.com

2. Croatian Language


Tiha no?, bla?ena no?
Sve ve? spi,
Samo bdi Josip blag i Marija s njim.
Milo Djetešce u jaslama tim
Spava u slatkome snu,
Spava u slatkome snu.

Tiha no?, bla?ena no?,
Bo?e moj smješak Tvoj,
Kako drag s ustašca je tih,
Mir nam donosiš sladak i tih,
Svi?e nam radosti dan,
Svi?e nam radosti dan.

3.Corsican Language 

Capanna santa! Lu Paradisu

Capanna santa! Lu Paradisu
U cel‘ in terra all’impruvisu!
C’er‘ in ari’ un passa veni
di staffetti par da avvisu.
E la scala d’Israeli
unia terra e celi.

Chi cort‘ avisti a fatt‘ onori!
Du‘ animali e povari pastori!
Già tu cherch‘u me figliolu
l’umilità e lu bon cori
e vulist’a u to Natali
li pastor’e l’animali. 

Li puvareddi, li to amici
un ti cumpiaciche cull‘ infelici:
Chi vol di quistu misteru
già u me cori lammi dici
par salvà I piccatori
ci vurrà u dulori. 

In cor d’invernu, o pargulettu
nascisti, o puvarettu
pochi panni da fasciatti
senza foc’e senza tettu
or piignisti inda capanna
dorm‘ avali, fa la nanna! 

U criatori è criatura
ed una stedda come figura
e cumparsi in Orienti
a infurmanni la natura
e i milizii dlu Signori
l’annunzian’a li pastori. 

Ador‘ aspettu lu Signori
e tuttu pienu di bon cori
par salvà la criatura
già s’umilia u Criatori
ma figliolu, almenu
dormi placid‘ e sirenu. 

4. Cornish Language 

Nos hep son! Noswyth lan! 

Nos hep son! Noswyth lan!
Pup a-dew, pup a-splan,
war un Vaghteth ha’y Flogh mar dek.
A, Flogh Byghan Sans, whar ha whek.
Cusk yn powesva Dew!
Cusk yn powesva Dew! 

Nos hep son! Noswyth lan!
Bugeleth, yn sawthan,
golow Nef a-wel dhe splanna,
a-glew can Eleth, Alleluia!
Cryst dhe’n bys genys yu!
Cryst dhe’n bys genys yu! 

Nos hep son! Noswyth lan!
Gwyr Vap Dew Nef a-van,
golowys a-dhyworth Dha fas,
warnan hel a-dhen wa Dha ras.
Ha ty genys, Jesu!
Ha ty genys, Jesu! 

For the other languages:
4. Arabic
5. Basque
6. Bataknese (Indonesia)
8. Breton

Cara Memblokir Situs Web di Mozilla Firefox

Ada banyak aplikasi keamanan untuk memblokir situs-situs tak pantas agar tidak bisa diakses oleh peselancar dunia maya, terutama anak-anak. Namun, sebenarnya ada cara lain tanpa harus mengintal aplikasi atau program dari pihak ketiga, yang dapat digunakan, yakni melakukan setting pada browser Mozilla Firefox. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Buka Firefox, klik "Tools" lalu "Add-ons." Klik "Get Add-ons" dan kemudian "Browse All Add-ons." Ketik "BlockSite" di bar pencarian setelah situs add-ons Mozilla Firefox terbuka tekan "Enter."
  2. Klik tombol "Add to Firefox" di samping entri BlockSite. Biarkan add-on untuk memuat (biasanya kurang dari 5 detik), kemudian klik "Install Now". Restart Firefox ketika diminta.
  3. Pergi ke ",Tools" lalu "Add-ons," kemudian klik BlockSite "Preference" setelah restart Firefox. Pastikan tombol "Black List" dicentang, serta " Enable BlockSite," " Enable warning messages " dan " Enable link removal."
  4. Centang " Enable authentication," kemudian masukkan password jika Anda ingin menjaga agar pengguna lain tidak menghapus atau mengubah pengaturan di BlockSite tanpa izin Anda.
  5. Klik tombol "Add", masukkan URL situs yang ingin Anda blok, kemudian klik "OK." Ulangi untuk menambahkan situs lain, atau klik tombol "Clear" untuk menghapus daftar. Setelah daftar situs yang diblokir selesai, klik "OK" dan restart Firefox.

Semoga berhasil!

Ini Cara Menghapus Toolbar Babylon pada Browser

Toolbar Babylon adalah pengaya aplikasi Internet Explorer dan Mozilla Firefox yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengetik kata-kata asing di ruang yang diberikan dan menerjemahkannya ke bahasa apapun. Ketika Anda menginstal program Babylon 7, Toolbar Babylon akan dipasangkan pada browser Web Anda. Toolbar Babylon memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan terjemahan tanpa harus menavigasi ke homepage Babylon. Jika Anda tidak menggunakan atau tidak membutuhkannya, uninstall Toolbar Babylon adalah langkah cepat dan sederhana.
Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Klik kanan ikon Babylon di bagian kanan bawah layar Anda di sebelah jam sistem dan klik "EXIT." Klik "YES" untuk mengkonfirmasi.
  2. Klik "Start" pada komputer Anda dan klik "Run."
  3. Ketik "appwiz.cpl" dan tekan "Enter." Ini akan membawa Anda ke jendela program yang menampilkan program-program dan aplikasi yang terinstal pada komputer Anda.
  4. Gulir melalui folder program dan klik " Babylon Toolbar." Klik "Remove/Uninstall" dan klik "YES" untuk mengkonfirmasi proses uninstall.
  5. Double klik "My Computer" pada desktop dan klik dua kali drive "C:". Double klik folder "Programs Files".
  6. Cari folder Babylon. Klik kanan dan klik "Delete." Konfirmasi "YES" untuk menghapusnya. Kemudian kosongkan "Recycle Bin."

Selamat mencoba. Semoga berhasil.

Tips meningkatkan kecepatan koneksi internet

Inilah caranya meningkatkan kecepatan koneksi internet

Jika koneksi Internet Anda lambat, ada sejumlah metode untuk meningkatkan kecepatannya. Beberapa saran berikut bisa dicoba, lainnya lebih rumit.
Apa yang Anda butuhkan? Cukup Anda miliki kabel Modem, modem, sambungan telepon ( DSL) dan jaringan ISDN.

  1. Konfigurasikan browser Anda sehingga tidak akan menampilkan grafis, animasi, suara, video atau konten multimedia lainnya 
  2. Berselancarlah pada saat lalu lintas Internet rendah. Lalu lintas terberat biasanya pada akhir pekan dan malam hari.
  3. Gunakan cache secara efektif. "Cache" mengacu pada ruang penyimpanan di mana situs yang baru dikunjungi, disimpan. Barangkali perlu mengubah ukuran penjatahan cache, atau Anda mungkin perlu untuk membersihkan cache secara berkala. Lihat melalui menu browser Anda untuk item bernama Cache, Temporary Internet file dan sebagainya.
  4. Upgradelah modem Anda. Apalagi bila masih menggunakan modem 56,6 kbps yang menjadi prangkat bawaan pada laptop atau PC Anda. Sebab, ini adalah modem telepon yang kurang cepat.
  5. Konsultasikan dengan penyedia layanan Internet Anda untuk memastikan bahwa modem anda telah dikonfigurasi dengan benar.
  6. Ganti modem telepon Anda dengan koneksi yang lebih cepat seperti, ISDN, DSL, satelit, modem kabel, CDMA, CDMA Evdo, 3G, HSPA, HSDPA dan sebagainya.

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Cheapest Internet Options

The cost of Internet access has risen since 2008. This may leave some of you wondering which type of Internet connection is the cheapest. To find this answer, a quick review of a 2009 Pew Internet and American Project report shows which types of services cost the most and which ones remain cheaper. By comparing the Pew findings to your other options, you can discover the cheapest route to take.


Of all of your options, dial-up service is definitely the cheapest. The 2009 survey records that Internet users paid dial-up providers an average of $26.60 a month, which equals roughly $.89 a day. Unfortunately, dialing up through your telephone line provides slow Internet access. Also, dial-up service may not be as reliable in rural settings where phone lines tend to suffer neglect.

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The cheapest satellite internet service will typically run you about $50 or more dollars per month. Although that is higher than cable or DSL, it's the only option available to those who can only get dial-up. Of course plans can run much higher in price for higher upload and download speeds. If you, like many others, would like to cut costs, read further. Here you will learn how to compare the cheapest satellite internet service companies so you get the most for your money.

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How to Become an Internet Provider

Since the Internet is a commodity, there is open access for anyone to stake a claim as an Internet Service Provider. Your Internet provider business will depend on third-party resources. You will act as a third-party reseller of existing web hosting services like Go Daddy and ValueWeb.

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How to Find a Good Internet Service Provider (ISP)

With so many ISPs to choose from, it's important to know how to find the service that best suits your needs.

1. Find out your computer's operating system, processor speed, modem speed, RAM and hard disk space. Keep these parameters in mind when considering potential ISPs. (Non-Windows users will especially need to ask if ISPs can accommodate them.)

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How to Compare Wireless Internet Providers

Technology enables Internet users to browse through the Web at incredible speeds. Though it is common to do so through a DSL connection through a service line, the ISP services have flourished to the point that wireless Internet access is available on the go, wherever you go. Plenty of ISP companies offer this service, but by finding the right information, you can compare and choose the right wireless Internet provider that works for you.

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How to Identify Internet Providers

Internet providers actually create the Internet signal to send to computers. If you need to identify the Internet providers, you probably want to figure out who is sending you emails or chatting with you online. If a party does not identify itself when it contacts you, you can use the ISP of that party to identify it. Once you know the ISP, you can find out any information you wish about the party contacting you.

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How to Change Your Internet Service Provider

You may want to change ISPs if you are dissatisfied with your current provider's cost, features, speed, technical support or other qualities. Or you might just want to explore different online options or check out "free month" deals.

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How to Become an ISP Provider

Becoming an Internet Service Provider (ISP) is not an easy task. The biggest obstacle to becoming an ISP is the large amount of capital required for the equipment and building needed. Network bandwidth, cooling and power are all resources that have to be planned.

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How to Become a Broadband ISP

Some business ventures seem destined to thrive in good economies and stand firm during tough economic times. Being an Internet Service Provider (ISP) is one such venture, especially if you offer high-speed broadband internet service. Most people tend to consider their Internet connection to be a necessity more than a luxury, and because of this, they will always strive to keep an active Internet account, even if they are cutting back on spending in other areas. Starting a broadband ISP business requires a significant investment and an extensive amount of hard work, but it is an achievable goal for anyone who is willing to work for it. If you think you've got what it takes as a broadband ISP, keep reading to learn how to get started in this incredible field.

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How to Choose an Internet Service Provider

These days, a computer without Internet access is like a car with flat tires--it works, but it won't get you very far. To get online, you need an Internet service provider (ISP). You have two general choices: dialup service, which is cheap but slow; and broadband service, which is more expensive and much faster.

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How to Turn Off Computer Updates

With the advent of the Internet, computers have been able to receive constant updates and support from manufacturers. These updates can range from new software for improving the functionality of the computer to important security updates that will protect against viruses and malware. Some of the updates may take up a significant amount of space on your computer and may be something you do not want. These updates are usually installed automatically through the computer's operating system, but you may opt out of automatic updates by changing a few settings.

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How to Delete Previous Websites Off My Computer

When browsing the internet, web browsers will store all the pages visited in its history. Keeping a history takes up space on a hard drive and sometimes people do not want others to see what web pages they visited, so all browsers have a way to clear the browser's history.

How do I Delete an Online Search History?

As you browse the Internet, your Web browser saves all of the links you click and the Web addresses you enter into the address bar. All modern Web browsers allow you to manually delete your online search history. How you delete the search history is slightly different depending on which browser you're using. Deleting your search history will delete the information permanently.

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How to Delete Your Browser's History

Want to make sure nobody can snoop and see where you've been on the Internet? Sometimes being able to erase browser history can come in handy, especially on shared computers. By following these instructions you'll be able to do just that with any browsers you use in Windows.

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How to Format a Hard Drive With Windows XP

If you want to format a hard drive while using or installing Windows XP, you've come to the right place. This can be very useful for clearing everything off a secondary drive or when installing a fresh copy of Windows. Formatting a computer hard drive is simple and can help eliminate viruses, storage issues and other hard-to-resolve problems.

How to Get Wireless Internet

Does the thought of having a high-speed, top-notch Internet connection without all those annoying cords and wires confusing you and getting in the way sound like heaven? Wireless Internet is becoming more popular and common as more people are choosing the way of convenience. You can have it, too, by simply following a few basic steps.

Wireless router
High-speed Internet

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How to Cancel Old Credit Cards

To help manage your credit efficiently and effectively, you may want to cancel your old credit card accounts if you are not using them anymore. Once accounts are canceled, you don't have to worry about anyone stealing your account information. A simple procedure lets you cancel your credit cards. After an account is canceled, make sure you receive confirmation from a representative. Be aware that a canceled credit card can have a negative impact on your credit report.


1. Gather all of your credit card accounts together. Review the accounts to see which ones should be closed out. Look for the customer service phone number on the back of your card. If you have a statement, the phone number will be listed there as well.
2. Call your credit card company. Speak with a representative in the customer service department. Inform her that you want to cancel your credit card account. A credit card account can be closed even if you have a balance. After your account is closed, make sure you no longer use the card.
3. Be sure that you receive confirmation from the representative. Sometimes your confirmation can be sent by email, while some credit card companies will send you written confirmation. Store this information with your important papers.

Tips & Warnings

When your credit card has been canceled and you have an outstanding balance, the next statement you receive should indicate that your available credit is zero.

When you cancel old credit card accounts, your credit score can be lowered. First of all, you are lowering your available credit. Also, one of the criteria used to calculate your credit score is the length of your credit file. Suppose you have two credit cards. If one account was opened in 1990 and the other in 2009, your credit file starts in 1990. When the account in 1990 is closed, it appears that your credit file was started in 2009. The closed account remains on your credit file, but it is no longer considered in the file's history, assuming these are the only credit accounts on your file.

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How to Cancel a Credit Card With No Information

Credit cards cost consumers in more ways than one. Not only can there be high interest rates, late fees, and over-limit fees, many credit card issuers charge annual fees. Annual fees are charged whether the credit card is used or not. Canceling a credit card requires contact with the credit card issuer. Cutting the card in two is not canceling the card. But what happens when you have misplaced the card and do not have the information on the credit card issuer? Your credit report is the answer, as the report contains all contact information for your credit accounts.

Things You'll Need
1. Obtain a copy of your credit report. Federal law entitles you to one free copy per credit agency per year. Visit http://annualcreditreport.com for your free copy. Review the credit report and find the credit account in question. Find the pages of the credit report with a list of creditor contact information. Write down the name, phone number and address of the creditor in question.
2. Call the phone number of the creditor. Explain you have a credit card but you do not have the account number or any account information. The representative will ask for your name, Social Security number and date of birth to locate the account. Once located, advise the representative you wish to cancel the credit card.
3. Send a letter to the credit card company also requesting the account be canceled. In your letter, include the account information provided by the representative, your name, Social Security number, date of birth and mailing address. Ask for confirmation of account closure to be mailed to you.
4. Allow 45 days for the account to be closed. Call the customer service number to confirm account closure and pull another copy of your credit report to verify the account now shows a status of closed.

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Can They Charge a Use Fee When Paying by a Credit Card?

A surcharge or checkout fee for using a credit card is usually illegal, but that doesn't mean merchants don't do it anyway. Passing along surcharge fees to consumers is expressly illegal in 10 states and many credit card companies have policies forbidding the practice. A consumer must remain vigilant when paying with a credit card to ensure a merchant or vendor doesn't assess any unfair charges.

Credit Card Policies
Some major credit card companies, including Visa and MasterCard, usually have clauses in vendor agreements that prohibit businesses from charging convenience or usage fees to customers using credit cards. Credit card companies don't actively enforce these policies, so ensuring businesses adhere to these regulations is up to each consumer. Some credit card companies do allow businesses to offer discounts to consumers paying with cash or a proprietary card. Other credit card companies, including Discover, allow merchants to charge usage fees to customers provided that the fee charged to consumers does not exceed the fee assessed by Discover and that this surcharge applies to all cards. This, of course, creates a conflict with other existing vendor agreements.

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How to Set a Cartoon Character As Your Profile Picture on Facebook

Your Facebook profile picture is the first thing that people will see when they search for your profile, and it appears beside each of your posts on your friends' news feeds. Changing your picture frequently can keep your profile from appearing stale. Cartoon characters have a sense of whimsy that can be a light-hearted addition to your profile.


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How to Make Hearts on AIM Profiles

How to Make Hearts on AIM Profilesthumbnail Use the heart symbol to help express your like or love for something in instant messaging.

AIM is an instant messaging program that allows you to chat with other individuals who may be family, a friend, a colleague or a recent acquaintance. By viewing your contact's profile, you may find out more information about him. You may also include information in your own profile such as your likes and dislikes. Using symbols on your profile such as the heart can show others that you like certain things, such as food, shopping or movies.


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How to Burn an MP3 CD With Full Titles

How to Burn an MP3 CD With Full Titlesthumbnail Burn an MP3 CD with full titles by editing the audio files beforehand.

Sometimes when you burn MP3 CDs from your computer, the song and album attributes from the original songs are not burned onto the new CD. That is because the transferred audio files don't always inherently contain the album information. Therefore, if you want to burn an MP3 CD with full titles so the track names will show up on your stereo (if your stereo displays the names of songs while it's playing), you must edit the audio files' information before burning the CD.


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How to Burn Songs on a CD With the Internet

The Internet allows you to download full albums and songs right to your audio library within minutes. These songs can then be burned onto a CD, allowing you to customize your own CDs with various songs and artists. The most common audio library is iTunes, which in addition to burning songs onto a CD can also add them onto an iPod. In addition, with iTunes you can browse the iTunes library, which allows you download songs

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